Losing your job can feel like your entire world is falling apart. One day, you’re comfortable and feel like you’re secure and even progressing, and then the next, your life is turned upside down, and you don’t know where you’re going next.
As challenging as it may feel in the moment, being let go from your job can be turned into a great opportunity! It’s frightening to lose a stable income and job security, but this could be a chance to reevaluate your goals and find something new that genuinely excited you.
Here are five steps to take to get yourself back on track.
1. Know Your Rights
First off, be aware of the fact that not all layoffs are legal! Depending on what’s in your employment contract and the circumstances surrounding your dismissal, you may have grounds to challenge the decision. Avoid signing any termination agreements or layoff letters until you’re certain that everything is in order.
If something feels off, it’s important to review your contract and receive advice from HKM.com to determine if your legal rights have been violated and you’ve been unfairly dismissed.
2. Take Time to Process
Let yourself feel whatever you’re feeling. Cry, throw a tantrum, vent to your friends and family, and allow yourself to truly grieve the loss. Losing a job is scary and frustrating and can make you lose all sense of self-confidence.
Bottling up those emotions isn’t going to help. Instead, give yourself time to process everything that’s happening by talking through it, journalling, and even reaching out to a therapist if you feel like you need external support.
3. Change Your Mindset
Once you’ve had some time to be sad, it’s time to refocus and change your mindset. Grieving is important, but you can’t stay there forever! It’s time to remember your worth and the fact that you are capable.
Try to shift your attitude and view your job loss as an opportunity for something new. If you’ve ever considered changing roles or even careers, this could be the perfect moment to do it!
4. Consider Your Next Move
Before jumping into job applications, take a moment to sit with yourself and consider what you really want. Ask yourself what you loved (and hated) about your previous role, what kind of jobs excite you, what you would like to learn in the future, etc.
Think about whether you’d like to go back to school, learn a new skill, become a freelancer, start your own business, pivot careers, or find a similar role because you were happy. The world is your oyster right now!
5. Make Your Plan
Now that you’ve decided what you want, it’s time to start making a plan and determining how you’re going to get there.
This is the moment to upset your resume, get in touch with your network (and consider making new connections), look for courses you might want to take, and pick out your best interview outfit: it’s time for the next step.